
1、Shall she come at once? 要她马上来吗?

2、There might/could have been an accident in the street.街上可能出事故了。

3、If you’ll just sign here, I’ll cash you the check. 请在这里签个字,我给你对现金。

4、Redouble your efforts or (else) you won’t succeed. 加倍努力,不然你是不会成功的。

5、Would you be so kind as to keep me informed? 请随时告诉我一些情况好吗?

6、would you like to…? 你愿意……吗?

7、Shall we go to the concert tonight? 我 们今晚去听音乐会好吗?

8、Perhaps there’s another side of the question. 也许这个问题还有另一方面的情况吧!

9、Jane took French leave the day before yesterday. 简前天不辞而别。

10、I doubt if he will keep his words. 我怀疑 他会不会信守诺言。

11、shall we do …? 我们做……吧?

12、Would you be kind/good enough to meet us at the port? 麻烦你到机场接我们好吗?

13、Would it be possible for me to take three days off next month? 我可不可以在下个月请三天假?

14、I’m wondering if you’d guide me in my studies. 不知您可否愿意指导我做研究。

15、Opportunity seldom knocks twice. 机不可 失,时不再来。

16、She covers her family. 她是单身。

17、Would it be too much to ask you to look after my baby for a moment? 你可以帮我看一会儿孩子吗?

18、Would you kindly drive me home?你能不能开车送我回家?

19、Would you mind if I …?

20、Just drop me off at the airport. It’s not necessary to see me off. 到机场让我下车就行,不必送我起飞了。

21、would you mind + doing …? 你介意……吗?请你……可以吗?需注意:mind + doing(为动名词)。动名词的否定式由“not + 动名词”构成。即would you mind not doing…?请不要……好吗?

22、Please give my love to your parents and Kate, won’t you? 请代我向你父母和凯特问好好吗?

23、Let’s go upstairs to the Ladies’ Wear Department, shall/shan’t we? 咱们到楼上女子服装部去好吗?

24、You ought to know better than to do such things. 你不该做这种事。

25、Don’t let the wires touch. Otherwise you’ll kill yourself. 别让电线挨着,否则你就没命了。

26、You’ll be late for the meeting unless you hurry. 你要是不快点儿,就不能按时参加会议了。

27、I didn’t quite catch your name. Would you spell it, please? 我没听清你的名字,请拼一下好吗?

28、It is not unfair to treat him so. 这样对他不失公平。

29、You have a slight fever. I could go out to buy you some medicine. 你有点儿发烧,我可以帮你买些药。

30、I was calling about the open ceremony tomorrow, Mr Hill. 希尔先生,我打电话给您想问一下明天开业典礼的事。

31、给need 加将来时,更加委婉。

32、Cold weather, isn’t it? 天冷,是吧?

33、I hope you don’t mind my asking, but I wonder if you could account this plan? 希望您别介意,不知道您能否就这个计划作一完整说明。

34、Maybe we should buy some more cheese. 也许我们该多买些奶酪。

35、We should start out earlier tomorrow. 明天我们得早点出发。

36、That’s not quite right, I think.我想,那样不大对头吧!

37、You might invite him to attend your wedding. 你不妨请他参加你们的婚礼。

38、I’m sorry to trouble you. Could you check these figures for me? 对不起要麻烦你一下,给我核对一下这些数字行吗?

39、Mr Smith is head and ears in debt. 史密 斯先生背了一身债。

40、I’m sorry I think you’re mistaken there. 对不起,我认为你弄错了。

41、Would it be possible /too much (for me)to…?

42、―David is an efficient man. 戴维是个能干的人。

43、Would you (please/kindly)… ?
